
The Essential Actor's Headgear

even i get the jitters

Published about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hey there,

I've got some exciting news to share with you today.

After a bit of spit and polish, some elbow grease, and may be a little blood (don’t worry, none of it was mine) – my "Get the Callback" eBook is finally updated. And wait till you see this snazzy new cover I've slapped on it.

But hold your horses, here comes the headline act...

[Enter drum roll, wildly flailing arms, and a slightly off-tune trumpet]

The one and only Jude Gerard Prest just put the cherry on top by recording the foreword for the audiobook version.

Now, if Jude's name doesn't ring a bell, let me jingle it for ya – he's a Hollywood triple threat: a director, producer, and writer. Basically, if Hollywood was a high school, Jude would be the guy wearing the varsity jacket everybody wants.

Here's the kicker though...

Despite my iron-clad confidence in my Fully Booked Audition Method, asking Jude to come aboard gave me the willies. No, scratch that... I was PANTS-SCARED.

Why? Because having Jude pen the foreword meant he had to bet his bottom dollar on my work. And his creds weigh more than my grandma's lasagna (and let me tell ya, that's saying something). So here I am, sweating bullets, thinking: "What if he gives it a thumbs down? What if he just agrees because he's a nice guy? What if... what if pigeons suddenly become the rulers of Earth?"

I had to take a chill pill and remember Jude's my comrade in arms. We go way back to Wright State University where the drama spilled offstage (you know actors, right? We could win gossip Olympics).

But man, did Jude come through like a champ! Just so happens he was about to dive back into acting – his one true love – so he was stoked to read my book.

AND... in spite of my self-doubt, Jude had the hots for my material. And the compliment he laid on me about the book? It's aaaaaall wrapped up and tied with a bow in the foreword.

Now, I know I'm being a tease here, but you’ll just have to see for yourself.


Scoot over to the link below and snag two juicy chapters of the eBook when you sign up for my Actor's Break newsletter.

>>> Snag the newsletter & unveil Hollywood Jude’s secrets about my eBook

Keep pushing your limits,

— Tom "Timing is a Fine Dance" Brooks

P.S. Want to eavesdrop on Jude's golden voice? Grab the audiobook version of "Get the Callback" and treat your ears to his foreword.

P.P.S. Curiosity killed the cat but it won’t do you any harm – learn more about Jude's Hollywood adventures right here.

The Essential Actor's Headgear

Tom Brooks

True acting isn't about slapping on a fake smile or tricking the audience with smoke and mirrors. Nope, it's about getting raw – peeling back the layers until what's left is nothing but the real, unvarnished you. It's about connecting with something deep inside and sharing it with the world. That's not easy. It's why only a handful of folks ever get branded as "great" in the dizzying world of showbiz. But — hold your applause — here's the kicker: learning the art of genuine performance can unlock doors you never even noticed. And that's what my Actor's Break newsletter is all about. Peeling back the curtain, not only on the stage but in life's grand performance too. So how about it? Ready to drop the pretense and discover the power of your authentic self? Join us while it's still on the house — because soon, it'll be as exclusive as a backstage pass. If you think this is just about acting, think again. The lessons are universal — trust me... it's gonna be one heck of a show.

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